Pioneers in the Industry
We’ve been bringing reliability and consistency to the grass seed industry since 1949, when Robert Dye pioneered bluegrass production in the Palouse.
About Dye Seed
Our History

Dye Seed Leadership
Matt Hanson
At the helm of Dye Seed since 2012, Matt grew up in Spokane and attended the University of Idaho as a fourth generation Vandal. After graduating with a Master of Science degree in mechanical engineering, he worked in investment banking in New York City before returning home to the Inland Northwest and joining Dye Seed. Matt served as a board trustee for the Garfield County Hospital District from 2014-2019. Following in his family’s aviation footsteps, Matt learned to fly from his father Dennis. He is instrument-rated as a private pilot of single-engine land and sea planes. Married with two daughters, Matt enjoys spending time outdoors, especially when he’s bird hunting with his German Shorthair Pointer.